My Pinterest inspired house life. Consider this entry number one to a book full of Pinterest finds.
Lets start with my most recent project. My front porch. Now, first let me explain the empty flower pots (filled with lovely stand-in graphic flowers for the foreseeable future) that I made last summer. I still haven't made the leap to purchase sweet little flowers to fill them with. My husband and I both know they will die in no time in the Mississippi heat so I'm tempted to buy fake flowers. Again, have yet to make that leap either. So empty, still, they remain. But hey! They have our address on them incase the pizza guy needs some extra help.
If you know anything about us, you know that is indeed a stolen pallet. A rather large one at that. We live on the edge. My original plan was to make my husband reshape it and paint it like a flag. But that didn't happen so it was bare or nothing. I'm liking how it turned out (by turn out I mean how nothing was changed at all) The hay bail is from my
fall display and is only still standing because I've literally been too lazy to get rid of it. Also, I think a family of lizards moved in, so it stays. The burlap pendants were hand painted in like 10 minutes tops (skills, I know) and the
galvanized lantern was originally found at The Home Depot.

Found dimensions and a step by step guide for the shelves somewhere on Pinterest - dont ask me where. They were pretty easy and self explanatory. Well it looked that way as I actually delegated the task to my husband. A few friends have also added them to their homes as well. They're pretty handy and we enjoy being able to move/replace/rearrange as we please with no added holes. Highly recommend some for your home too, especially if you have a large wall to cover. Don't mind the power cord hanging there by the way. Our house was built before electrical outlets above the mantle were "a thing".

Ikea LATT table and chairs set. If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen this before. A birthday gift for my daughter last summer. Many of you know Ikea sells most of their items bare and lifeless, but oh boy is most of it cheap cheap cheap. Picked this set up for $19.99 with the intentions of sprucing them up. Found dimensions for the seat cushions somewhere on Pinterest, along with a nifty idea to add Plexiglass (and those dimensions too) to the table top to make the surface easy to wipe down after snack time.

I'm not a fan of those cheap looking traditional metal shelves in laundry rooms. Plus I cant reach them so anything that goes up does not come back down. I also wanted something more personalized. Everything is now easily accessible at my boarder line midget height. The added fact that the pictures are all "dirty" themed is a nice touch too. Side note: yes we are that family with miss matched appliances. We recently had to replace our washer but the dryer is still kickin'. Why fix something that ain't broke?

If you have kids, consider a nifty way of displaying their artwork in your home. Our fridge isn't magnetic so this was a perfect idea. Couple broken down pallets, some homemade coffee stain (our hallway smelled like fresh brewed coffee for weeks, score!), hot glue, stencils, spray paint, clothes pins and hooks (all items we had laying around already, yes even the pallet wood. We're kleptos) is all you need and about 20 minutes and you've got an interesting place for the kids to proudly show off their masterpieces. Again, another easy fix for a large empty wall.
A little hard to read, but one of my very first pinspired ideas from a few years back. Google aerial images of where "we met" "we married" and "we live". We've since moved so a little editing is needed for the "we live" heart. I'll probably leave the aerial view and add "our first home" in there somewhere. Or it'll stay just as is cause ain't nobody got time fo that. Also, can anyone guess where we were married?
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