Wednesday, February 19, 2014

photo dump

As of recent we've been having an extremely difficult time convincing our two and a half year old to eat, well, anything. A few nights ago we found ourselves in a scene from "A Christmas Story' 
Replace "Mommy's little piggy" with "Mommy's little puppy" and ignore the fact that shes in the buff (potty training is a B) and we've got a pretty close reenactment. Apparently all we had to do was offer her food to the dog to convince her it wasn't poison. I patted her head and said "good dog" and with that, she wanted seconds. Also, the second picture is her barking.

Who says parenting is tough? Hah. 

Speaking of how freakin adorable my children are, here is Laila fixing her jeep the other day.

Sometimes, you just need to try and push start it, then shine up the engine battery box. Is it obvious her dad is a mechanic? Whilst this was going on, Lilly decided to give me something to do clean up. And my husband sent me this lovely text of his fourwheeler engulfed in what I could only hope is mud. I couldn't make this crap up if I tried (no pun intended)

okay just one more, promise

Lilly just had her 2 month check up. Dr. Kermit (Yes he's a Pediatrician named Kermit. Yes I laugh every time. No he's not green) says she's 12.5lbs. Aca-scuse me? Did he really say 12.5lbs? Yep 85th percentile. My little overachiever. Here, you see the stank eye I received all the way home after three, yes three shots! Notice the adorbs leg rolls. That's because she's 45th percentile for height (or is it length since she cant stand?) we don't like to talk about her underachievement's though, she has a lifetime of short jokes  ahead of her already.

Phew. Mommy needs a nap.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Home cookin'

The other day, a girlfriend of mine posted a fab recipe on her blog for some home made granola bars. She included a sweet little back story about how she baked some up for a midnight snack during late night feedings for friend of hers who just had a baby. Well hello, I'm in the same boat! I always seem to find myself watching 'Friends' reruns, on mute, in the dark, at 3 am nursing Lilly and my stomach gets to grumbling. Problem solved.

If you want the recipe, shoot over to her blog here! But in the mean time, heres the step by step in picture form.
note: not all ingredients are pictured. I tweaked it a little with what I had on hand this morning.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Five on friday

How many Seabees does it take to set up new couch? Three... Err sort of. Meet Webber, the one supervising. Apparently he's a genius because he didn't actually do anything, but he received full credit for being present for such an occasion. The other two didn't even notice. Men are stupid.

Look at that face. This little kitten is two months old and shes officially reached the "Bumbo stage".

We are in the process of a big backyard overhaul for the summer and instead of tossing our old outdoor furniture and buying new, we are jazzing it up with some new paint and these adorbs Sonoma cushions from Kohls. Added bonus: they were half off online, and along with a 20% off coupon, free shipping and 6% cash back with my Ebates account, they were a serious STEAL!

I have a happy husband this Valentines Day. Though he deserves all the credit for this great fourwheeler find, I allowed him to buy it and new rims and tires (and a winch) to go along with it. So I am gunna go ahead and take credit and make it his Valentines Day present. Its so easy to shop for him let him buy his own crap.

Ever go to the store and find theyre sold out completely of an item and all they have to show for it is a working display item just mocking you? Ever think to ask a sales person if you can buy said display item? Youll almost always find the item is, in fact, active in their stores inventory. They can (and want to) sell it (at a discounted "open box" rate) because sitting on a shelf isnt making them money. Jon and I were able to remind a store manager at Sams Club of this and walked out of the store with this 50" tv for $399. Winner. Note: yes my two year old moved right on in and flipped to her show almost immediately after set up.

Friday, February 7, 2014

In the beginning

Alas, the blog promised to all of you! Ahem, By "all of you" I mean the three of you whom find my life even the slightest bit entertaining. Where do I start? Do I introduce myself? Do I just ease my way into this? How about I make it easy on myself and do one of those fun Five on Friday link ups to break the ice

want to join in the fun? follow the link!


If you haven't already heard, my husband and I recently made another human being. Now, bottles are not really a necessity right now but I want to keep the option open for when I may be away from my little one in the future. I also like to give my husband an opportunity to bond with Lilly one-on-one at night by giving her a bottle before bed. But after a disastrous week or so of Medela bottles and the colic they ensued, a very determined me went on a hunt for new bottles and eventually narrowed it down to two brands. The well known Tommee Tippy and new and unheard of Comotomo. Guess who won! Comotomo bottles are so fun and squishy and I could just go on and on so instead I'll go into detail on a seperate post.


Potty training has been in full force for a few weeks now and we couldnt be more proud to hear the toilet flush followed by a squeal of joy as Laila runs down the hallway to share the news and high five me or her dad. Now if only we could convince her to wipe her butt..


The Wubbanub. The cutest invention for the baby since, well, the baby. After Laila lost (threw out of the cart while no one was looking) Lilly's kitty wub, their Aunt Chelsea was kind enough to send a replacement -a little lamb. Lilly couldnt be happier.


Wahlburgers. My new Wednesday night obsession. No, seriously.. Cant get enough of these guys. Probably because they remind me of my sisters and myself (obviously I shadow Mark because hes the baby and perfect), and how close-knit sibblings are. My parents were just in Boston visiting my sister and brother in-law last week while my dad was on business, and I nearly begged my mom to go by their burger shop, but to no avail. Guess now I have to convince my husband to take me on a trip there this summer.


Well, we helped Ashley Furniture pay their mortgage this month. After three years of my husbands non stop complaining about the couches I picked out when we were first married, we finally agreed to splurge on a new set. He refused to walk out of the store with anything but real leather, and apparently what is a couch if the entire thing doesnt recline? Also, they wont be in until Valentines Day so I feel like that was perfect planning on his part to get out of buying me flowers and chocolate. Well anyways, not only are we broke now, we are still sitting on our old crappy couches. How does that even work?

Genesis 1:1
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.